Just kickin' It

5:54 AM

The Master, me, Carina, and one of the student instructors
I've always wanted to learn martial arts when I was a kid. I loved action movies and fighting games and wished I could be as strong and skilled as the characters I saw on my TV Screen.

That's why I was under excited that UIP was going to be taking a Taekwondo class. After breakfast, we all lined up in the lobby to walk to the Ulsan gym. We were given a pair of workout robes to wear, but there weren't enough for everyone. Mine were too big while some of the taller students had robes that were too short. I was all set to grab my camera and get some great picks of me in action. Before I could do anything, the UIP staff told everyone to put their things an come to the center. We all gathered in the middle of the gym and I thought that we were going to be introduced to the students and master of the program. Instead, we were seated on the floor and sat to watch them do some demonstrations.
Everything was pretty awesome and looked great, but I didn't have my camera! Thankfully, my friend Carina kept her camera the whole time and was able to record the presentation. I'll post her video of it as soon as  I can.

Afterwards we split into groups and started learning some of the techniques.  We learned the staces and motions for defense and offense, punches, kicks, and had to practice with one of the Taekwondo students.

We even got a chance to break a wooden board however we wanted. I left feeling tired, but happy to take the class. I'm not sure if we can go to other classes while in UIP, but I wouldn't mind going back for more.

Carina (Germany) and I after our lesson

With our instructors after the training

Group Selfie

Being cute with our broken boards

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