2NE1 Make Thumb Noise: Round 2 Starts Now!

8:04 PM

Round 1 is over and fans chose track 2 as the winning beat!  I was actually rooting for track one, but I guess you can't always have it your way. Round 2 is now under way and this time we get to choose the concept and song title of the video.
All of the given concepts revolve around love. You can see what each of the condepts are about b going to Intel's Facebook page and browse the concepts. While you're there, you can also vote for your favorite one and even play a really fun game Again, all you have to do to vote is go Intel's Facebook page and click vote. From there you will be able to get choose from all three concepts and song titles and pick your vote! Only two more rounds to go after this -then the song will be released!

  What are you goint to vote for this round? Did you vote for track 2 in the first round? 

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