Beyoncé releases audio for Best Thing I Never Had

2:39 PM

Here's the audio for Beyonce's new single "The Best Thing I Never Had" from her upcoming album 4. The reminds me of "Irreplaceable".  It talks about getting out a relationship after finding out that the person you were involved with just wasn't all they were cracked up to be. This is one song that
both men and women can relate to, with lyrics like "Thank God you blew it Thank God I dodged the bullet I'm so over you Baby good lookin' out " and "You turned out to be the best thing I've never had." Expect this song to be in heavy rotation on the radio. If you like the song, or want to be the first to cop B's new album, pre-order it on website by clicking here. Check out the song for yourself and tell us what you think.

Beyonce's new album will released June 28, 2011.

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