What Will Happen in Scandal Season 4 According to Me

4:08 PM

I know gladiators all across the world are rejoicing that the Scandal Season 4 premier will be airing tonight! There will be many questions that we hope will soon be answered, such as "where in the world is Olivia Pope"," how is Huck handling seeing his family again", and of course "will they ever kill off Quinn"? The cast has been quiet about the revelations of this season, but here are a few things that are guaranted to happen. Okay, maybe not guaranteed, but have a pretty high chance of happening. Check out my Predictions for this season below.

Harrison Will Die
After Columbus Short's family drama towards the ending of the season, he was axed from the show. Now we just want to know how does his character die. Most likely he's dying away in one of the holes by B6-13 or thrown in the ocean. We'll see soon.

Olitz Will Be Back On
 This is one of the most undeniable truths of this series. We know any butterflies Olivia had for Jake are gone, and her addiction to Fitz looks to be unbreakable. For some ungodly reason, these too are doomed to be dumb stuck in love forever. So even though I really hope Olivia finds a guy worth her time, I know she won't.

Lips will quiver

Daddy Pope's Gonna Do What he Does Best
Now that Fitz is back in office and Olivia is in a safe, undisclosed location, you can bet your gladiator suit that daddy Pope is going to do everything he can to keep Fitz in check. I'm pretty sure Fitz is going to be dumb enough to flex his powers again this season to get more info about Olivia. Believe me, the loss of Fitz Jr. wasn't the only revenge that Daddy has planned for Fitz.

Wine Glasses will be drained

Mellie Will Get her Groove Back
She's given up on Fitz. And she's already had a taste of the finer side of life with the Vice President, and now that Fitz has won the office, there is nothing holding Mellie back from getting what she wants. Don't think for she'll be putting up with Fitz's crap this season.

Cyrus's baby will disappear
You remember the kid Cyrus adopted when James was alive? The cutie pie with the mocha skin? The sweetheart that was shown in three episodes? Not really? Yea, don't expect to see much of her this season either.

Jake will be the rebound

Huck is Gonna Kill Someone

Hopefully Quinn. He went back into the dark side last season and the taste of blood is probably still fresh on his nose. And the rediscovery of his old family will bring in a whole new dynamic for the show. I am betting he'll try to go back to his old life, but his wife will have a new boo boo that needs to get taken out of the picture. That, or Quinn will do something really stupid to interfere with his private life and he'll off her. Just my prediction.

Well there you have it. We can only wait until tonight to see if I'm right or not. Hope you all are ready!

What are you predictions for season 4 of Scandal? 

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  1. I am so excited for Scandal to come back on tonight!! Reading through your predictions got me caught up on some things that I had forgotten about!!

    1. I am too! I can't wait to see what happens this season!

  2. Confession: I've never watched a single episode of Scandal, but hearing so many people get excited about the season opener has made me realize that I need to put this on my must-watch list ASAP! :)

    1. No worries, and I completely recommend it ! Tell me if you watch and get sucked in as well!

  3. Eerie timing! I'm watching it right NOW! DVR'd it. SO in love with this show!

    1. I actually ended up missing it last night because they didnt play a rerun. I'll catch up this weekend and see how far off my predictions were!

  4. I have GOT to start watching this...

  5. SCANDAL= Joy! Such a fun show! I need to find a way to stream this in Australia :)

    1. Oh I wish I knew a way so I could tell you, Melanie!

  6. I haven't watched Scandal yet, but it's on my future to-watch list.

    1. It's a great show and you won't be disappointed Brenda! Thank you for stopping by!

  7. I loved watching the season premiere last night and even more, I loved watching the cast on Ellen! They're so funny together. I'm sad that Harrison is dead. I'm curious to find out how he died. I definitely don't want Huck to kill Quinn! I don't want Huck to kill anyone really. I'm really hoping Quinn redeems herself in this season. She was one of my favorite characters at the beginning and I'm still holding on to that innocence. I really don't like Olivia and Fitz together because he keeps hurting her. I wish she would just be satisfied with Jake, but that would make for a boring show.

    1. I don't hate Quinn, but she does make some very bad decisions in this show. But then again, they all do. I was hoping Harrison was going to get some kind of back story, but all the personal drama killed that (no pun intended). ANd I feel the same for Olivia, but I do think Jake could be an interesting love interest if they let him. But ...sleeping with the president does add more drama, so I guess I can't have it all.

  8. Replies
    1. EEk me too! I have to catch up since I had to work last night!


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