Five Reasons You Should be Reading The SLS

6:52 AM

I wanted to take part in the September Sapphire Even Day Blog Challenge hosted by Kimberly of Being a Word Smith. The blog series is filled with prompts that you can put on your blog every even day in September. I am not sure if I'll be able to do the whole month, but the first prompt really made me think so I wanted to catch up. So here's the first prompt: Five Reasons You Should Read The Students' Lifestyle.

1.We've Been There, Done (Some of) That
Shannah and I are both juniors in college and have survived almost four years here, and we want to help you do the same! So when we give you advice on love, studying, or life in general, it's usually tips we've learned through our own experience. There are still a few things we still haven't figured out, but you can stick with us while we get it together!

2.We Have Good Taste
I feel like we're hipsters sometimes because of all the artists we post about that suddenly go mainstream after we post about them. NO seriously, I mean it. Shannah wrote a post on Tinashe before her latest single "2 On" became a radio hit this year, we've been writing about kpop way before Gangnam Style took the radio waves by storm, and don't get Shannah started on Sam Smith. Seriously, don't. So when we say that there is an artist that you need to be listening to, then you should give them a try.

3.Two is Better Than One
We are different in other ways besides our appearance.  We have our own opinions about love, college, life, music and more so you'll be getting more than one perspective on topics.

4.We are Constantly Improving
When we first started this blog, we only really wrote about music videos and entertainment. And it wasn't any good, to be quite honest. We'd just slap on a new video, say "Hey I like this" and be done. We're way beyond that stage. Now we're giving you tips for school, posting more on our personal lives, and actually making content worth reading. Of course we still write about our favorite music, movies, and stuff. Now it's more than a sentence long.

5.It Will Help Our Future
I have always stressed that one of the main reasons that I personally blog (besides my love for writing) is to use my work to advance myself professionally. I want to be able to show my blog to employers with pride and let them see what great work we've done on our own. We are both in the communication field,  and online is the new frontier for many media companies. Having a successful blog is one way to impress our potential employers. So critiques, criticism, or suggestions all help us know what type of articles we're doing great on, and what we need to improve on.

I hope we gave you a lot of good reasons to convince you to read our blog! If you want to learn more about the challenge, hop on over to see a list of prompts for the month. Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. Love this! You two are definitely far ahead of me when it comes to music for sure! You have a great blog. :)

    1. Thanks for the compliment, and there are a lot of great artists we haven't discovered yet, so stick with us! Thank you for stopping by Logan!

  2. I wish I'd been as focused during college with my writing/ blogging as you two are! Granted, I was in college when Xanga was the most awesome platform around, but still, I could have used my writings as a way to create a digital portfolio. Sigh. At least y'all have it together with your super fantastic blog! :)

  3. I love this. It's such a great way for people to get to know you!

  4. This is such an AWESOME post. I like you actually coming out and saying WHY we should read your blog - it puts it all out there instead of Oh, Hi my name is X and i like flowers... or something of the like!

  5. Love this prompt. Great way to meet you and learn about your blog. Thanks.

    1. No, thank you Pascha. There are more prompts on Kimberly's website if you want to see the others!

  6. Thanks you guys for linking up to #SSEDBC! You are wise beyond your years. And choosing musical talent that will soar is a gift. Appreciate you!

    1. Thank you for the prompt, we really enjoyed it! I'll try to post on as many prompts as I can!


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