See How The Game Shows "Respect" for His Female Fans
1:07 PM
Someone needs to give The Game a few classes in etiquette. The rapper, known widely for his split from G-nit, has been causinga stir on the web after videos have been released showing the rapper's disrespectful behavior towards his female fans.
In the first video, The Game and a few friends are hanging out in the VIP lounge when he is approached by fans. Instead of talking with the fans or signing autographs, he spits on them. If that weren't bad enough another video shows The Game during one of his performances asking a female fan to show her breast. The fan refuses and the Game's entourage begin to grope her. When they see that the fan wasn't having that, they literally push her off the stage.
Apparently these men haven't learned that no means no. If a woman doesn't want to degrade herself by showing her breast to crowd full of strangers then she doesn't have to. The Game even condones the acts by telling the fan that she shouldn't have gotten up there in the first place. I hope these videos get out for more people to see. You'd think that a little more respect would be given to the people who actually try to support your career.
You can watch the videos below.
[Source: Necolebitchie]
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