From Boring to Amazing! V-Day Gifts to Blow Her Mind

1:22 PM

There are only a few more weeks left before Valentine's day, which means that it's time to start thinking about gifts. Of course some of you will grab the traditional flowers and box of chocolate. Not bad, but pretty predictable. This year, let's try thinking outside of the box and get some "wow" worthy reactions in return.  Get rid of the boring, predictable gifts and go for these gift ideas instead.

Fruits of Love

Instead of buying a bouquet of flowers, get a bouquet of fruit! She won't be expecting this sweet treat for V-Day.  Edible Arrangements delivers personalized fruit bouquets for as low as $35. Just be warned that this type of bouquet won’t last as long as a vase of flowers, but they’ll be way tastier!

Café a la Home

Don’t worry about making reservations at a high priced restaurant. Instead, bring the fancy meal to your own kitchen. This will show your partner that you know what they like and you are willing to give it to them. Be sure to practice cooking a small portion of the meal at least once before the big day. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you get stuck. Set a more intimate mood by using candles and soft music.

V-Day Video

Cards are nice, but creating a video declaring your love is way more touching and sincere. Creating your own video lets you be more personal than a card. The video doesn't even have to be that long, just speak from your heart and press send. The best thing about this gift is it's free!

Personalized playlist

This may sound corny, but this actually works! Show how much you care by creating a personal playlist. Add in all of the songs that have a special meaning or memory for both of you.

There are a lot of different things you can do to celebrate your love on Valentine's Day. If you don't want to go the traditional route, just think out of the box ideas and go for it.

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