Funny Friday: Friends with No Benefits

6:43 PM

YouTube star Adonde Thornton aka "Swoozie" in his latest video blog

It's Friday! And you guys know what that means - time to start off the weekend with another Funny Friday post! I know you guys are just getting off of work, or heading home from the last day of school, so here's a little pick-me-up to end your day the right way.
In this week's Funny Friday video,, YouTube's king of story telling, Swoozie, lets us all in on another one of his crazy girl stories. This time Swoozie tells us about a secret "girl gamer" that he had a crush on. However this girl has a secret that might make or break their relationship before it even starts. Watch the video below to see how Swoozie handles the situation in his latest vlog "Friends with No Benefits"!


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