
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hidden Cash and Concerts in Montgomery

If you live in the Capital City, then the common saying "There's nothing to do in Montgomery" is usually true. But this past weekend was actually kind of eventful. Friday morning, Montgomerians including me, Shannah, and my family, headed downtown to join the Hidden Cash Montgomery Event. If you're not familiar with the hidden cash craze, it's basically a scavenger hunt for money in big cities around the nation. This event in Montgomery was started by Montgomery Biscuits owner Sherrie Myers and was based downtown. The clues to the locations were posted on the Hidden Cash Montgomery Twitter account, and players had to look to the clues to see where the hidden cash was.

We had all hoped that the event would be really small with only a few people coming to play, but as soon as we headed downtown we saw that every block was packed with people. If you don't know Montgomery, let me tell you now. The only time you'll see people swarming downtown is for a holiday parade, lunch, or paying their electric bill.

The Twins and Shannah with Biscuits owner Sherrie Myers
The event started with everyone looking around for a starting place before the first clue was up. A local street preacher took this as a perfect time to gather folks around for a good talk about eternity and salvation. We decided to seperate thinking it would get us a better chance to win more money (bad idea since my mom knows nothing about twitter). The first tweet with the clue was a total bust for me. I had only read the tweet and immediately thought it was hinting at a local business that had caught fire a few years ago. I couldn't see the picture attached to the tweet and ended up running away from the actual location, which was just a few feet away from where we had parked. By the time we did get to the right spot, the cash had been found. Clue, after clue, we where either too far away or too late to win the cash. 

During an attempt to get one of the cash envelopes, I ended running smack dab into a local reporter who backed up into my path. So another chance to get cash was knocked from me quite literally. Even though we were mainly having fun, some people weren't excited about the event. People complained about participants not following the rules -like NOT looking in the local businesses, moving things around, and the over crowded downtown area (again,  noone but workers and eaters come downtown).
The Twins, Shannah, and I with Governor Bentley

By two o'clock, we were all tired and hot and called it quits early, mainly because I had to go to work. We didn't win any money (I actually lost $20 because I forget to take it out of my pocket before running around), but we did get to meet Alabama Governor Robert Bentley and Biscuits owner Sherrie Myers . Plus we had a great workout we felt days later.

Ending the day with slushies from Sonic

Saturday afternoon, I took the twins back downtown to see the I Am More Than concerts at the Riverwalk Amphitheater. There was a lot going on, including learning about different cultures, spoken word and poetry, as well as seeing local artists perform. They had booked Montell Jordan for the event and we were excited to see him perform.

Sadly, we ended up leaving after Jordan, performed his first song. I had forgotten to bring cash for food, and kids get cranky when their hungry. Either way, it was a good weekend on our end.  I'm happy we were able to show some support to the local performers (including some fellow BTW alumni) and I won a free shirt! Let's just hope that more fun comes around this weekend! 
What did you do for your weekend? Did you go to the Hidden Cash Event or I Am More Than Concert?


  1. seeing these places literally brings back so many memories--i used to study by the river all the time with my friends and have picnics there on the most random weekends when i was living there--looks like you had a lot of fun!

    1. It was lots of fun-tiring, but fun! I'm glad we helped you think of fun times, but it still sucks we never met when you were here!


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